When you are buying a home, this is a way to get money in excess of the purchase price to be used for specific renovations as agreed to as part of the purchase mortgage financing. The extra funds available are based on the NEW “as-improved” estimated value of your property, in excess of the original purchase price. This means access to cash for extensive renovations, such as new roof, new kitchen, new bath, new windows and doors, etc. Again, you get the money as the improvements are completed and inspected, not before, and you can accomplish all this with as little as 5% down payment.
As a mortgage broker, I work for you. I don’t work for any one bank – I work for you! You will have access to over 65 banks, credit unions and trust companies and interest rates the banks don’t want you to know about! Due to the volume of business we provide lenders always offer our team the deepest discounts which are passed on to you immediately – whether you are purchasing, refinancing or renewing.
I will walk you through the process of getting a mortgage, step by step.